Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Two eyes, and one mouth: my favorite disproportion

“Try to live with the same intensity as a child. He doesn't ask for explanations; he dives into each day as if it were a new adventure and, at night, sleeps tired and happy.”
Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light 


I know what you're thinking - it's two ears, and one mouth. Well, my friend, you are both mistaken and correct (which makes you a paradox, hmmm :).

You're correct in remembering the accuracy of the old adage that we're born with two ears and one mouth - a reminder that we ought to listen more than we speak. But you've mistakenly assumed that I intended to use this adage. I am, on the contrary and with your help, re-writing it. 

You have thus, since February 20, 2013, been re-born: now with two bright, curious eyes and one two-lipped speaker. Now you will join people across the world who already understand that in order to pursue personal development and a full, and happy life, then they must forget about their ears (and that silly old adage.)

It is flawed in nature, you see. Whoever invented it to begin with wants us to believe that it is better to listen than to speak, working inside the idea that those who speak know more than we do, and therefore, in order to learn, it's best to shut our eager cans.

When I was young I bought that line. But not anymore now that I've got a few grey hairs. At first I feared them and plucked them. Now I like to think of them as my brain's expression of speedy expansion. Riddle me this, Batman: have you considered your sources, lately? Who are you listening to, and do you trust them with your well-being? Much of what we do and think is influenced by those around us. Are you listening to people who have what you want and do what you want to do?  Are the TV talking heads telling the truth, or just saying what people want to hear? 

You tell me to beware of my own mouth, and to listen in a free and unfiltered manner to the hogwash that flies out of the traps of others. I might as well kiss a pig after a mud bath. 

I challenge you, old adage, to a modern duel. And I challenge you who reads this, who obviously has the gift of sight and ability to analyze and obtain information, to close your ears. All around you are people are not qualified to speak into them. We must be cautious and guard our greatest possession of all - our minds. I call upon you to install your own filter, or your water system will be tainted. Don't you know that he who can read, but doesn't, is equal to a man who cannot? Be a man - or woman - who can. 

Accept my challenge and read a new book this week. Investigate your author and see if he has the experience and assets, whether intellectual or financial, to dispense such advice. And if he doesn't, keep searching.

I look forward to hearing your feedback. Oops, I meant seeing :) 

Con mucho amor,
Cha Cha  

My Book List This Week:

Warrior of the Light by Paulo Cohelo  
The Real Crash by Peter Schiff 

Last Week: How To Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

Special Thanks To Inspirations of This Year's First Blog:

-Miss Patricia Garcia, who knows in what section of Barnes & Nobles to abandon me for hours without food and water

-Andrew Anderson and his latest blog about how the sound of orange juice pouring might control your destiny

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