Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Attracting opportunity

Why does the water drip so slooooooooowly?

Lately the theme of my life has been attracting opportunity. And I mean, quality opportunity. It's working out so far, but sometimes the process gets the hiccups.

Helping people who want to help themselves is a pleasurable, fun experience that I want more of. I take joy in watching an opportunist blossom now that someone else believes in him (or her :). The people who surround us and support us are more important than many of us realize.  

But I am only one person, and self motivation is not exactly my forte. Some days it's at 100%. I'm a purebred stallion (or at least Mr. Ed) barreling through the inside lane in full form. Dant-ta-da-daaaaa! 
Other days I have to go back to my goal list and make a concerted effort to remind myself of why I began this journey, and why I deserve to be better than average. If I could just be one of those ultra-energetic people, all the time. My production would be through the roof. Where is Olivia Newton-John when you need her?  

Let's get physical, physical!

Have you guys ever seen her in concert? That woman is en llames!

At this point I'd even settle for Richard Simmons.

So yes, there is a tiny seed inside of me that wants to and is sprouting. One day, out of nowhere, it's going to become a beanstalk, and I will scale it all the way arriba, until I find my big-toothed giant with a sloppy grin. My big business idea. He will stare down at me and say, what took you so long?

I remind myself not to rush it - but to push for 120% every day. One day soon I'll say to Mom: Mom, the day has come. You don't have to work anymore. Let's go check out the borealis.

I cling to tiny, yet powerful aspirations like these. They help me keep the seed watered...

How do you keep watering yours?

This is Cherry Pie in the Capitol City, signing off for now.


  1. Well, hello, Cherry Pie - nice to see you again! (No, never saw Olivia in concert - I was a rocker in the 80's...still am!)

  2. LOL.. I was a rocker, too.. In the womb ;) I've only seen Olivia via Youtube.. but just watching her digitally makes me sweat. The woman's got energy. What were some of your favorite bands? I'm a die-hard Halen girl (David Lee AND Eddie).. Ozzy, Europe, the Outfield, M.J., U2, Prince, Madonna, the Cars, Rolling Stones.. You name it, I probably like it!
