Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Accepting advice on how to ask for a woman's number

Today, for the first time ever, I gave my phone number to a woman I had just met. My intentions were good, but I'm quite sure that she and everyone watching now think I'm a lesbian.


Back to the drawing board.

It is a challenging moment for a gal when she realizes that most of her friends are no longer single, live far away, or simply don't share any of her interests any more. Some of my friends have gone out and gotten themselves hitched, and since then, literally disappeared. They are a bit like lost lighters, or lost chapsticks.. Where do the married really go? But that is a whole other blog topic.

At any rate, the need to expand my social circle and make new friends has developed. The Good Man Upstairs has certainly been helping. But I'm not sure what He had in mind today when He threw this particular bone my way. Maybe prayers were coming in more slowly than usual due to the rain, and a little hump day entertainment was in order.

So there I am, sitting at the table of one of my favorite hole-in-the-wall eateries where my clients have graciously invited me, when up walks the waitress, with this immediate, blinding aura. She had a smile like a sweet piece of southern apple pie. The more we talked, the more she reminded of me, only Hispanic, and in an apron (which is pretty much me, in an apron). She was friendly, well-spoken, and had a great attitude. I'm not sure how to describe what I felt. I was attracted, but not in a physical way. Sometimes you simply like a person's... vibe. You, like the Beach Boys song..

//Starts snapping her fingers.... I'm pickin' up good vibrations... She's givin' me expectations...

Sorry. I do that a lot. Back to the point... I'm sure that this happens to a lot of people. We meet someone, and a "friend spark" flies, but we're sure how to act on it. In my case today, I simple wanted to initiate a "lady-date," which is the womanly version of a "man-date." You may remember the term as it was popularized by last year's rom-com "I Love You Man." It's when two people of the same sex have friendly hang out time.

So I had a decision to make. I could leave with my tail between my legs, and risk always wondering if this nice-looking female and I could have become great friends. Or, I could take a leap into the unknown. Maybe this was God's way of gently pushing me out of my comfort zone. After all, as long as I'm in it, I will never achieve the things I want to. Of this I am certain.

I'll admit, the look on her face as I handed her the piece of paper was not exactly what I had anticipated. It was a cross between flattery and slight mortification. It didn't help that my nervous chatter attracted a few male onlookers who seemed to be hoping that it was indeed a romantic exchange, which certainly would have been the highlight of their day.

But you know.. The older people get, the more they report that they regret the things they didn't do vs. the things they did do. At least I can say that I tried, and there's no reason for regretting that. The only question that remains is.. Will she call? :D

Signing off, and happy hump day.



  1. Did you mention your truthful intentions; as you did on this blog. Before you handed her that piece of paper?...see it as a :WARNING:Curves Ahead: (SIGN)on a winding the commuters have an expected precaution to their travels. In this case the Rapport should be..."WOW, I feel Like we got so much in common...we should chat some more...Here is my number_______ call me sometime, I have a feeling we could be best friends" Would she call you? IDK maybe on how you delivered the number would be your answer.

  2. Thank you for reading, RayRay!! That is exactly how I should have approached it, but she didn't have much time for talking, as this took place in a restaurant during rush hour. But I will save your advice for next time...

  3. By the way you write much differently than you speak.. it's very interesting to see the difference
